Tesla's Declining Market Share in China Amid Global Slowdown

Fei Xinyi
1 min read

Global Slowdown Affecting Tesla's Market Share in China

The global slowdown in electric vehicle demand has led to Tesla Inc.’s largest quarterly sales miss, impacting Elon Musk's standing in China, the world’s biggest automotive market. Despite intense local competition and weakened consumer sentiment, Tesla’s market share in China dipped to around 6.7% in the last quarter of 2021, down from 10.5% in the first quarter of the same year, as per calculations based on China’s Passenger Car Association data.

Key Takeaways:

  • The global slowdown in electric vehicle demand has significantly impacted Tesla Inc.’s quarterly sales, contributing to a substantial miss.
  • Tesla's market share in China dropped to approximately 6.7% in the fourth quarter of 2021, compared to 10.5% in the first quarter of the same year.
  • The decline in market share is attributed to heightened competition and diminished consumer sentiment in China, the world’s largest automotive market.


The decreased market share in China presents a significant challenge for Tesla, reflecting the broader global trends impacting electric vehicle demand. The company will need to navigate intensified competition and restore consumer confidence to reverse this trend.

Do You Know?

  • Electric vehicles (EVs): EVs are vehicles powered by electric motors, using electrical energy stored in rechargeable batteries.
  • China's Passenger Car Association: The association, based in China, provides valuable data and analyses on the country's passenger car market.

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