TSMC Operations Disrupted by Taiwan Earthquake

Renzo Cordero
1 min read

The world's biggest chipmaker faces disruptions due to powerful earthquake

An earthquake in Taiwan has forced the world's biggest chipmaker, TSMC, to suspend operations at some sites. This could potentially lead to production delays for companies like Apple, which rely on its chips.

Key Takeaways:

  • The 7.4-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan disrupted TSMC's operations, potentially impacting major companies like Apple and Nvidia.
  • TSMC expects to resume operations overnight but the damage could cause trouble for its business and supply chains of its biggest customers.
  • Production disruptions may lead to delays in the rollout of new devices for companies like Apple and Nvidia.


The vulnerability of TSMC's facilities to seismic activity highlights the potential impact of natural disasters on the global semiconductor supply chain. The production halt could also damage some of TSMC's most advanced chips, exacerbating the existing global chip shortage.

Do You Know?

  • TSMC provides 90% of the world's advanced chips, highlighting its critical role in the semiconductor industry.
  • High-end chips require 24/7 seamless operations in a vacuum state, and any operation halts could lead to potential spoilage of these chips.

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