Inside One of the World's Largest Scam Empire: The Chinese Boss, Thai Godfathers, and Myanmar's Fraud Camp Exploiting Millions Worldwide
Unveiling One of the World’s Largest Online Scam Camp in Myanmar: The Chinese Boss and Thai Godfathers
In a shocking exposé, authorities have uncovered what is now recognized as one of the world’s largest online fraud operation nestled in Myawaddy, Myanmar. Dubbed the “Scam Camp,” this sprawling network orchestrates relentless telecom fraud targeting millions of unsuspecting individuals worldwide. At the helm is Chinese criminal mastermind She Zhijiang, whose intricate web of deceit is supported by influential Thai collaborators. This comprehensive report delves into the origins, operations, and international ramifications of this sinister scheme, emphasizing the urgent need for global intervention.
The Mastermind: She Zhijiang’s Criminal Odyssey
Born in 1982 in Shaodong, Hunan Province, She Zhijiang (佘智江) emerged from humble beginnings in a rural farming family. At 14, he dropped out of school, embarking on a tumultuous path marked by over 20 unsuccessful jobs—from tailoring to security services. Driven by an insatiable desire for wealth, She ventured to the Philippines, infiltrating the illegal gambling industry. By 2012, he had established himself as a prominent figure in overseas private lotteries, targeting Chinese participants to amass illicit profits totaling 2.1 billion RMB.
Despite his criminal activities leading to the arrest of his associates in China, She evaded capture until 2022. In 2016, he relocated to Cambodia, adopting the alias She Lunkai (佘伦凯) and founding the Asia-Pacific International Holding Group. Posing as a legitimate businessman, he organized grandiose events and secured honorary positions in Chinese business chambers. His ambitions led him to Myawaddy, a strategically located town in eastern Myanmar’s Kachin State, adjacent to Thailand and separated by the narrow Moei River.
Establishing the Asia-Pacific New City in Myawaddy
In 2017, leveraging his Cambodian citizenship, She announced a $15 billion investment to create an economic special zone named “Asia-Pacific New City” in Myawaddy’s “Shuigou Valley.” Under the guise of a Belt and Road Initiative project, She swiftly transformed Myawaddy’s landscape. Satellite images from 2019 reveal barren lands replaced by towering buildings and industrial parks within three years. However, the facade masked the true purpose: facilitating large-scale online telecom fraud.
She partitioned the city into zones leased to various scam operators, generating massive rental incomes while siphoning funds through corrupt local military officials. This strategic move not only provided a cover for illicit activities but also ensured protection from governmental interventions, establishing Myawaddy as a hub of unbridled criminal enterprise.
The Scam Camp: A Humanitarian Nightmare
The Scam Camp in Myawaddy operates as an advanced hub for telecom fraud, employing tens of thousands of individuals coerced into perpetual scamming. Victims, often lured by deceptive job offers promising high salaries and overseas opportunities, are trafficked from Thailand to Myawaddy through clandestine river crossings. Once trapped, they endure inhumane conditions—lacking freedom, subjected to constant surveillance, and forced to participate in relentless fraud operations targeting millions worldwide.
Daily operations involve sophisticated phishing schemes, often masquerading as romantic pursuits known as "pig butchering scams," to extract substantial sums from unsuspecting victims. These scams involve building fake romantic relationships to manipulate victims into making large financial transactions. Those who fail to meet performance metrics face brutal punishments, including physical abuse, mutilation, and even death. Female victims are subjected to sexual violence and coerced into prostitution, treated as expendable assets rather than human beings.
The Human Cost: Stories of Survival and Tragedy
The human toll of the Scam Camp is devastating. Thousands of individuals find themselves trapped in a nightmarish existence, stripped of freedom and subjected to relentless exploitation. High-profile cases like actor Wang Xing and Dr. Zhang Mou have managed to escape, but many remain ensnared, enduring daily atrocities and fearing for their lives. Families are extorted for ransom, often resulting in futile attempts to secure the release of their loved ones, only to witness further abuse and loss.
Victims report extreme violence, including mutilation and torture. For instance, Dr. Zhang Mou endured over 30 lashings with a whip, leaving permanent scars and debilitating injuries. The psychological and physical trauma inflicted on victims is immeasurable, with many unable to cope with the relentless abuse and choosing to end their lives in despair.
International Efforts and the Ongoing Battle
China has intensified its efforts to dismantle the Scam Camp network, collaborating with Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines, and Cambodia to track and apprehend key figures. In a decisive move, Chinese authorities captured She Zhijiang in Thailand on August 13, 2022, and are in the process of extraditing him to face charges. However, the arrest of She has not crippled the operation; instead, it has allowed other criminals to step into leadership roles, perpetuating the cycle of fraud and exploitation.
In a powerful statement, China’s Ministry of Public Security vowed to relentlessly pursue and eradicate those who exploit individuals for criminal gain. “Whoever targets citizens for crime will be met with our strictest measures. Extradition will not be an exception,” the ministry declared, signaling an unwavering commitment to combating cross-border fraud.
The Role of Thailand and Local Armed Forces
Thailand’s involvement in the Scam Camp’s operations has raised significant concerns. Myawaddy’s proximity to Thailand makes it a convenient transit point for traffickers. Reports indicate that Thai authorities have been either complicit or ineffective in curbing the flow of victims into Myawaddy’s Scam Camp. The Thai Tourism Bureau’s increasing defensive statements following high-profile rescues, such as that of actor Wang Xing, highlight a troubling reluctance to address the underlying issue.
Local armed factions in Myawaddy, notably the Kachin Defense Army led by Sokhitu, provide the necessary protection and logistical support for the Scam Camp. These militias ensure the operation's security, thwarting governmental interventions and maintaining the flow of illicit activities. The symbiotic relationship between Chinese criminals and Thai facilitators underscores the complexity of dismantling the Scam Camp, necessitating coordinated international action.
The Resilience of the Scam Network
Despite She Zhijiang’s capture, the Scam Camp’s infrastructure remains robust, now under the control of local military leaders who continue to exploit and expand the fraud operations unabated. The arrest of She Zhijiang has not deterred other criminals; instead, multiple scam zones have sprung up adjacent to the Asia-Pacific New City, each managed by different operators in collusion with local military factions.
In 2023, Sokhitu orchestrated a “return to Buddhism” ceremony for the captured She Zhijiang, ostensibly hoping for his reintegration. However, this move was a façade, allowing Sokhitu to seize control of She’s assets and further entrench the Scam Camp’s operations. The Scam Camp has expanded to include numerous zones like Apollo Park and Yulong Bay Park, all operating under the protection of Kachin Defense Army leaders.
Humanitarian Crisis and Global Implications
The revelation of Myawaddy’s Scam Camp underscores a critical need for enhanced international cooperation to combat transnational fraud and human trafficking. China’s determined crackdown, coupled with pressure on Thailand to sever ties with these illicit operations, is imperative to dismantle the Scam Camp’s infrastructure. Furthermore, addressing the role of local armed factions in perpetuating these crimes is essential for long-term resolution.
As global awareness of this crisis grows, concerted efforts must be made to rescue and rehabilitate victims, ensuring that such heinous operations are eradicated. The international community must stand united against the orchestrators of this vast online fraud scheme, bringing justice to the millions affected and preventing further exploitation.
Conclusion: The Path Forward
The uncovering of Myawaddy’s Scam Camp is a stark reminder of the pervasive and insidious nature of transnational crime. The collaboration between Chinese criminals and Thai facilitators, supported by local armed forces, has created a formidable network that preys on vulnerable individuals for immense financial gain. To dismantle this network, a unified global response is essential, involving stringent law enforcement cooperation, robust legal frameworks, and unwavering commitment to human rights.
China’s Ministry of Public Security has pledged to continue its relentless pursuit of those responsible, emphasizing that no individual or entity will be beyond reach in the fight against fraud and human trafficking. As international efforts intensify, the hope remains that justice will prevail, liberating the countless victims trapped in the Scam Camp and restoring safety and dignity to affected communities.