JetBrains Releases Patch for 26 Security Vulnerabilities: Cybersecurity Community Raises Concerns

Leopoldo Rossi
1 min read

JetBrains, the developer of TeamCity CI/CD web application, has released a patch to address 26 security vulnerabilities. However, the company's decision to withhold specific details about the flaws has raised concerns within the cybersecurity community. The release notes, published on March 27, simply stated that '26 security problems have been fixed.' This lack of transparency is unprecedented, as typically companies provide CVE tracking numbers for vulnerabilities to help IT teams assess the severity. Some speculate that this response might be related to previous 'disclosure drama' involving Rapid7. In addition, concerns have been raised about possible connections between the recent security incidents at TeamCity and the decision to remain tight-lipped. A user named 'Not Simon' also discovered discrepancies in the JetBrains Security Bulletin, raising further questions. This development raises significant concerns within the cybersecurity domain about transparency and potential risks associated with undisclosed vulnerabilities.

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