Shopify's New Employee Ranking System Sparking Competition and Concerns

Giovanni Moretti
1 min read

Some companies use a competitive approach to drive performance, and at Shopify, a new employee ranking system has prompted employees to compete for pay raises. This system assigns numerical scores to represent employees' skill levels, with only those showing an increase being eligible for raises. While improving expertise can boost these scores, some employees perceive it as a comparison with colleagues at the same level. This approach has raised concerns among Shopify employees about the impact on teamwork and collaboration.

Key Takeaways

  • Shopify has implemented a new employee ranking system that assigns numerical scores to represent skill levels.
  • The system makes employees compete for pay raises by only allowing raises for those whose scores increase in a review period.
  • Employees can boost their mastery score by improving their expertise, but some interpret it as being compared to colleagues at the same level.
  • The new system has sparked debate among employees about its fairness and impact on teamwork.
  • This approach raises questions about the potential effects of competitive ranking systems on employee morale and collaboration.


Shopify's new competitive ranking system may create internal friction, affecting employee morale and collaboration. While intended to drive performance, it pits colleagues against each other for pay raises, potentially eroding teamwork. In the short term, this may lead to decreased cooperation and a strained work environment. Long term, it could impact retention rates and hinder the company's ability to attract top talent. The system may also impact employee well-being, potentially leading to increased stress and dissatisfaction. The consequences of this approach could affect not only individual employees but also the overall culture and productivity of Shopify.

Did You Know?

  • Employee ranking system: This refers to a method of evaluating and comparing employees' performance and skill levels using numerical scores. It is used to determine eligibility for pay raises and promotions within the company.

  • Competitive approach to performance: This concept involves using competition among employees to drive performance and productivity. Companies may implement competitive systems to incentivize employees to improve their skills and reach their full potential.

  • Impact on teamwork and collaboration: This refers to the potential effects of the new ranking system on the ability of employees to work together effectively and cooperatively. It raises concerns about how competitive systems may influence the overall team dynamics and morale.

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